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評価: 4/5 - 1 投票数.


賢者の父と武闘家の母…人類最強の二人を両親に持つ少年・ユアン。 「お前は弱い」と育てられた彼は強くなるため家出しますが… 巨岩をデコピンで粉砕したり、ドラゴンを「トカゲ」と思い込み狩って食べたり… 彼の「日常」はとにかくハンパなかった!! 最強に育てられたら当然最強。でも、その自覚ゼロ。 とんでもない世間知らずが世界をゆるがす勘違い無双、開幕!! The supposedly weakest boy who mastered martial arts and magic, the world shakes his misunderstanding!? “Hmm…I have no talent.”… is what Yuan grew up in the mountains thinking. He’s a normal kind-hearted boy, but of the unusual things about him, is that his parents are a sage and a master martial artist. In other words, the world’s strongest. Since Yuan was told he was the weakest, he leaves home to make his dreams of becoming a knight come true. “Eh!? Is it really possible to be defeated with a mere finger-flick by an 8-year-old kid?” “You heard the hero was the weakest member? You’d have to be out of your mind to fight that!” “Armies of Angels? You mean the harmful birds? I’ll just remove them altogether!” Now, the boy who sees dragons as just lizards you can eat regularly thinks (I am weak. I’ll have to get even stronger or else I’ll never become a noble knight), will he ever be free from his misconceptions!?


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