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いたいけな女子中学生が道ばたで出会った、住所不定無職・自称「神」なジャージのひと。ガサツで気分屋でヘタレ、ろくに祈願も聞いてくれないが、一つだけ能があった。此岸と彼岸とその狭間――世の有象無象すべてを、ぶった斬ること!! Yato is a minor god whose dream is to have a lot of followers worshiping him and praying to him. Unfortunately, his dream is far from coming true since he doesn’t even have a single shrine dedicated to him. To make things worse, the only partner he had to help him solve people’s problems, had just quit the job. His godly existence and luck just might change when he stumbles upon Iki Hiyori in her attempt to save him from an oncoming bus; a feat which also leaves her in quite a predicament so she is stuck with him until her problem gets resolved. Together with Hiyori and his new partner-weapon Yukine, Yato will do everything he can to gain fame, recognition and just maybe, one shrine dedicated to him, as well.


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