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目つきは鋭いが平凡な男子高校生だった黒乃真央は、突然の謎の頭痛により昏倒してしまう。目覚めた先は異世界の実験施設だった。理不尽に繰り返される壮絶な人体実験や戦闘訓練の中で、次第に記憶や、意思が消え去っていく。その絶望の果てに、一条の光明が差すが…? Web発の傑作ダークファンタジー、満を持してコミカライズ開始。 Kurono Maou is a high school student who is sensitive of his sharp eyes and bad expression. No girlfriend but gifted with friends in his own way, he had been living a peaceful life. But one day, without any reason, Kurono was attacked by a mysterious headache while in the literature clubroom and fainted. When he finally awoke…….Swords & magic, filled with monsters, an orthodox different world summoning.


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